How to Keep your Brain Young and Strong with Meditation

Brain health is essential in our lives. It involves several mental functions including memory, reasoning, and planning. Our reasoning...
Young men listening to a meditation program

150 Benefits of Meditation [2019 Edition]

We Live in a World that Never Stops In a world full of chaos, the benefits of meditation are often...
The many benefits of deep relaxation

The Many Health Benefits Of Deep Relaxation

We’re constantly being told that relaxation is important, not just for mental wellbeing, but also for physical health. We...
the impact of stress, stress symptoms, relaxation, combatting stress, meditation, intuition, synctuition, stress, Stress, Using deep relaxation to combat stress

Combat Stress with Deep-Relaxation and Meditation

Stress isn’t just ‘that annoying feeling’ you get when things don’t go your way or you feel your life...
body transformation, meditation, weight loss, synctuition

Is meditation the secret to successful body transformation?

The numbers are simply staggering. An incredible 90% of ALL weight loss attempts and body transformations end in failure....
meditation, sleep, insomnia, sleep better, therapy, synctuition, 3D audio sounds, relaxation

Sleeping is so hard when you can’t stop thinking…

Modern medicine has come a long way since doctors thought it useful to cover their patients in blood-sucking leeches...
travelling, stress, frequent flyer, synctuition, practical tips, tips and tricks

Beat the stress of frequent travel

When we think of travel the mind conjures images of white sandy beaches, snow-capped peaks, opulent hotel rooms, excitement,...