The Law of Attraction is the universal law that dictates that positive thoughts are magnets for positive life experiences brand negative thoughts are magnets for negative life experiences.

According to the law of attraction, if you have a specific desire and positively focus on that desire, it will be fulfilled.

Of course, this can work both ways. When you use the Law of Attraction, you will attract whatever you focus on.

So, if you stay focused on the good and positive things in your life,
you will automatically attract more good and positive things into your life.
If you are focused on bad things and negativity, then that is what you will attract.


The Law of Attraction is the universal law that dictates that positive thoughts are magnets for positive life experiences and negative thoughts are magnets for negative life experiences.

According to the law of attraction, if you have a specific desire and positively focus on that desire, it will be fulfilled.

Of course, this can work both ways. When you use the Law of Attraction, you will attract whatever you focus on.

So, if you stay focused on the good and positive things in your life,
you will automatically attract more good and positive things into your life.
If you are focused on bad things and negativity, then that is what you will attract.

Makes the law of attraction
work for you


Why hasn’t it worked for you?

If you’ve ever tried using the LoA, you’ll know that focussing exclusively on positive thoughts is much easier said than done.. Controlling our thoughts and focusing the mind is a huge challenge. That’s why many of us give up too quickly and simply continue being unhappy and unfulfilled.

There are two main facts you need to understand about the Law of Attraction

Fact 1

Your brain acts as a magnet for the Law of Attraction because it is the processing room for all
the information you receive during the day. The problem is that over 90% of the information we receive daily is actually toxic for our minds.
This toxic information comes in the form of news, negative energy and stressful situations.


As you sleep, all this information is digested by the brain and stored in your memory. How your brain digests all this information at night greatly determines the effect of using the Law
of Attraction for achieving success during the day.


It is impossible to control all your thoughts and the information you receive. During an average day, we have around 70 000 thoughts, which makes it almost impossible to control the direction of our thinking.


The key is PREPARING your mind before the most important part of your daily rhythm – SLEEP.


Scientists have proven that the brain is very active during sleep as it processes an avalanche of information. That is when we usually dream and experience negative thoughts at their scariest, just as our brains are storing them away.


Experiencing a hard day is usually followed by a restless night. Before long, this becomes a permanent cycle and only strengthens the negative energy field around you.


So it is vitally important that we go to bed feeling positive if we are to use the Law of Attraction to our advantage.


The key is PREPARING your mind before the most important part of your daily rhythm – SLEEP.

Scientists have proven that the brain is very active during sleep as it processes an avalanche of information. That is when we usually dream and experience negative thoughts at their scariest, just as our brains are storing them away.

Experiencing a hard day is usually followed by a restless night. Before long, this becomes a permanent cycle and only strengthens the negative energy field around you.

So it is vitally important that we go to bed feeling positive if we are to use the Law of Attraction to our advantage.



So how can you create a protective layer of positivity between your day and your sleep
in order to protect you from the negative things you’ve accumulated during the day?


Synctuition uses cutting-edge audio technology to give you not only the most effective, but also the most entertaining way to cleanse your mind of negative information and place you in the perfect state of mind before sleep.


Every 25 minutes spent listening to Synctuition gives you the equivalent of four hours of deep meditation, acting like a spa treatment for your mind and washing away the day’s stress and negativity.


You’ll experience the cleansing power of true, deep relaxation and feel a boost of pure
happiness at the most important time of your day – just before sleep.


While in this state of bliss, the three dimensional soundscapes will stimulate your imagination, allowing you to truly focus on attracting positive events to your life.


After you fall asleep, you’ll enjoy a more restful night and wake up feeling energized and positively refreshed.