What could be a more natural way to enhance your brain than through a medium it uses already? If you are trying to recall something you learned a long time ago, or if you were studying a new subject, you would use language familiar to you. You wouldn’t study it in a foreign language as you know you would never quite pick up some of the subtleties as you would if learning something in your mother-tongue or recall it as quickly.

So when training your brain to acquire a new skill, or sharpen one you already possess, would you not rather use a “language” it speaks already?

This is precisely how the Synctuition programs work to re-train your intuition. It increases your intuition through 3D audio sound in the form of binaural beat journeys, a language familiar to the brain.

How does it do this?

There are two main processes at work when you are attempting to enhance brain function for dormant and underused traits: The power of suggestion while being in a hypnotic state. These two work hand in glove.

Hypnotic Suggestion

Entering a hypnotic state manipulates your brain to produce the slow brainwave oscillations required to make the next step, suggestion, work. If you thought this was the stuff you see on stage at magic shows, here’s actually what the science says.

“Brain oscillations represent the combined electrical activity of neuronal assemblies and are usually measured as specific frequencies representing slower (delta, theta, alpha) and faster (beta, gamma) oscillations. Hypnosis has been most closely linked to power in the theta band and changes in gamma activity. These oscillations are thought to play a critical role in both the recording and recall of declarative memory and emotional limbic circuits… (Jensen, Adachi, and Hakimian. Brain oscillations, hypnosis, and hypnotizability. Am. J. Clin. Hypn., 57(3):230–253, 2015.)

Some of us need no paperwork to be convinced and are intuitively aware of the power of suggestion under hypnosis.

Being placed in the hypnotic state, or alternatively, self-inducing hypnosis can be achieved through sound and soundwave manipulation as perceived by the brain.

Binaural brainwave training

Karino, Yumoto, et al have been able to “confirm that the activity of the human cerebral cortex can be synchronized with slow Binaural Beats by using information on the changing interaural phase differences (IPD). (Neuromagnetic responses to binaural beat in human cerebral cortex. Karino, Yumoto, et al. J. Neurophysiol., October 2006.)

Therefore utilizing binaural beats seems to be the simple way to self-induce hypnosis, by synchronizing the slower gamma and theta brainwaves, to achieve the optimal state for the suggestion to be implanted, thereafter enabling the retraining of your brain.

Binaural sounds can be used effectively to tap into your brain on a soundwave-brainwave level and access functions and processes that are present already, but not being used or recognized.

It’s there already, sharpen it

Synctuition’s specific audio programs have been designed to tap into these intuitive pathways and retrain your brain to recognize and use them in a more conscious way. All that is required from you is some time to be able to listen to these audio tracks, ideally before you fall asleep so that your brain can enter the relaxed state required to repeat and recode it into your neural networks.

We can still access the intuitive mind, even though this practice has been lying dormant or undervalued. The binaural programs available through Synctuition are not teaching your brain something new. They access deeply rooted abilities that all of us already possess, but have unlearned through the way we are taught by school, life and work to emphasize the rational over the intuitive.

Once these abilities are “recalled” or remembered, we get better at recognizing and using them, enhancing your brain. The time between recall, recognition, and use gets shorter as we use this skill more. Using binaural training regularly makes this entire process easier, quicker until they become part of our natural behavior.

So why are you waiting? Get started with some free tracks by registering below. For more info, watch this video: