It has been called the ‘highest form of intelligence’ and ‘the path to true happiness. The great Albert Einstein said: “The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.”

 Jean-Luc Boissonneault goes so far as to divide intelligence into three distinct categories. He says: “Instinct is the lowest form of intelligence. It’s our primal nature that is rooted in survival and sex. Living by our instinct today is risky. Listening to our fears is risky. It only leads to mediocrity.

“Intellect is rational. It’s about tuition – what we are taught by others. We have tuition fees when we go to school – not intuition fees. Intellect is about the knowledge we retain from others.

“Intuition is different. It unravels from within. Intuition is work from the heart. Doing something for the right intent. Doing something that matters. Intuition is about creativity. Doing something that changes something for the better.”

At Synctuition we celebrate this higher form of intelligence and have made it our mission to help as many people as possible discover and develop their intuitive powers. By listening to our 60 amazing audio journeys, you will stimulate the parts of your brain scientists have pinpointed as the seat of intuition. Through gamma waves and binaural therapy, we will help you unlock the neural pathways that lead to the growth of intuitions.

But why? What benefits would you reap?

Many great thinkers, from Immanuel Kant to Carl Jung, have emphasized the importance of intuition and the impact it had on their personal and professional lives. They celebrated it as pre-existing knowledge and wisdom, resident in every one of us but often suppressed.

Jung went so far as to label intuition as one of four major functions of the human mind along with sensation, thinking, and feeling. By balancing all of these functions within ourselves, we have the ability to maximize our potential.  He wrote:

“I regard intuition as a basic psychological function that mediates perception in an unconscious way. Intuition enables us to divine the possibilities of a situation……”

Intuition is also a means of accessing our creative self-expression, as seen in the works of artists, writers, and musicians. Nor, is it restricted to the creative arts. Many have achieved remarkable success in the fields of science, business, and entrepreneurship, due to their ability to ‘trust their gut’.

Intuition is, in its essence, your connection to the subconscious mind. It is how the subconscious mind communicates with the conscious mind. This is why it’s such an amazing source of creative power, wisdom, and understanding. It transcends the realms of experience or reasoning.

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Release your potential

Here are five improvements in your life you will notice immediately when you start the Synctuition program:

  1. Enhanced creativity: As your intuitive mind opens up and starts communicating freely with your conscious one, you will feel a great well of creative thoughts spring up. This is due to your newly unlocked ability to recognize deeper truths, patterns, and symbolism in life.

  2. Increased self-knowledge: Your subconscious is where your personality resides, and psychologists claim that your intuitive decisions represent the most direct path to your true self. As you learn to recognize and trust your intuition, you will be actualizing your true desires and will learn about yourself on a level you could only imagine in the past.

  3. Better decision-making: Studies done at the Max Planck Institute amongst others have shown that intuitive decisions are reached faster and are subjectively ‘better’ than those landed on by purely rational means. Studies show that those who actively work on developing their intuition are capable of making better, faster, and more beneficial decisions.

 4. Improved mental wellbeing: Deep relaxation and meditation have been proven to help those suffering from depression and almost all users of Synctuition claim that they are calmer and happier than before they started their journey. The increased understanding of the self, trust in your own decisions and a general lowering of stress levels all help to enhance your happiness.

5. Improves physical and emotional health: As we have detailed in this article, meditation and relaxation therapy, as provided by Synctuition, has a vast array of health benefits.

Of course, there are many more benefits than these five, and we will dive into those in a future blog.

Are you ready to live a happier, healthier life?